Thursday, December 20, 2007

Favorite 5 of J

So I thought it would be a fun idea to go through my pictures from 2007 and post my favorite 5 pictures of each of the boys. It was a lot harder than I thought, and I'm not sure if these are really my very, very favorites, but they are definitely some of my favorites. So here is J....

Favorite 5 of B

Ok, so these are my favorite 5 pictures of B from this year. These are my favorites for different reasons. B is so funny, he knows I like to take pictures of him and he has started really posing for me - which is precious as you can see from the last picture!

Favorite 5 of W

These are my favorite 5 pictures of W. Looking at these pictures of W makes me see how much he has grown this year and how fast this year has gone by!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Better late than never...

So these are only a month late...but the Huskies won the championship. J was very excited and of course Jeff was too! I'm very proud of J this year. I think he has improved drastically from last year and really enjoyed it. Not once did he say he didn't want to go to practice this year. It is a lot to ask of a 7 year old to go to practice everyday for 2 hours a day for 31/2 months! I'm so proud of him!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Wow...some pictures!

I haven't posted pictures in awhile and have been wanting to get some pictures of W and B around the Christmas tree. I would love to get some with J too, but it seems everytime I think about it, he is at school.

So here are a few from today...

W's new smile is with his mouth wide open...

And here's B with Lenny, his elf and Blitzen, his reindeer....

Sunday, December 16, 2007

B - isms

You know, B can really come up with some doozies. I have been meaning to post some "B-isms" for awhile now to always remember them. I may need some help, so Mom if you remember other ones, let me know...

1. "cement gum" = mint gum

2. "hot burning flama" = lava

3. "bleshoos" = sneezes or a cold

4. When Evie and Mac were at the house after William was born, I quietly reminded B to play nice and sweet. Soon after, he marched down the stairs and declared, "Aren't you proud of me? I'm being so sweet, you could probably just eat me up!"

5. Another time in the car after I picked him up from school, he said, "Oh mommy, you are gonna need a big 'ole spoon to eat me up today!" Evidently he was proud of how nice he had been!

6. (Giggy, I hope you won't be mad at me for posting this one. I'll leave the details out, but we all remember it!) "Giggy, aren't those supposed to be up there?"

7. "foremember" = remember

8. "mankie" = blankie

Okay, I know there are so many more. But that is all for now. I will add more later!

Thursday, December 13, 2007


B: "Mommy , I think I'm catchin a cold. I know cuz I got the bleshoos."

Mommy: "You've got the what?"

B: "Bleshoos"

Mommy: "bleshoos?"

(B suddenly sneezes twice)

Mommy: "Bless you B"

B: "Yeah, those. bleshoos. I've got lots of those so I'm gettin a cold."

Mommy: "Bless you's? Baby, do you mean you have lots of "sneezes"?

B: "Yeah. I've got lots of sneezes, so I'm gettin a cold."

Monday, December 3, 2007

A sight....

Lately, W has been quite a little hand full. I'm not sure what is going on with him, but he has become extremely cranky at home. I don't know if he is not feeling well or is just bored, but I'm ready to see this face smiling and laughing more often. So these pictures were a welcome sight to see today!