Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mary Fran 19 months

It is hard to believe Mary Fran is 19 months! She is truly such a little angel and sooooo sweet! She is not saying a whole lot but this is what she does say:

jaaaason (jackson)
wuuu wuuu (william)
mu (milk)
ahhhhh (love)
mmmm (more)
pa pa (pappy)
gege (giggy)
tic tic (tickle)
dat (that)
na (snack)
umma (gives kiss)
hi-i (bye bye)
rolls her tongue in her mouth (trying to say blueberry!! so cute!!)
hot hot

This is all I can think of now, but I'll probably add to the list as I think of some more. I know she understands most everything we tell her. She will bring you things from across the room when asked, she will clean up (sort of), she loves everybody's shoes, and loves to sweep with my broom! She is really getting active and playing a lot. She can climb up stairs and down. Come think of it, she can pretty much climb on anything (couch, chairs, tables, banister sides!) I caught her the other day pushing a stool to the counter and climbing up to get a candle on the counter. Thankfully it was not lit! Usually she will obey and climb down when told, but not always. She can point to her eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, hair, ears, tummy, toes, and knees. She is somewhat sensitive, like Jackson was, and gets her feelings hurt easily if you scold her. But she is such a sweet blessing and I love her so much!

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